Childcare Assistance Request Application

Thank you for filling out this application requesting financial assistance with childcare. A ministry leader will be reaching out to you soon.

1) Submit childcare request application
2) The application will be initially approved or denied based on criteria in the Childcare Payment Policy (Section I)
3) Approved applications will recieve a final approval or denial after presenting the details to the Elder board.

This application must be submitted 2 months prior to the proposed event date.
This application must include information about estimated number of children attending, number of paid childcare workers & estimated costs to be initally approved. 

Please select one option.
Please select one option.

The rooms mentioned above are for the purposes of this appliaction only. A building use form MUST still be filled out and handed to the church office for review and reservation. 


Minimum Safety Ratio: (Childcare workers: Children)
Infants (0-1): 2:8
Toddlers (2-3): 2:12
Pre-K & Kindergarten: 2:16
Elementary: 2:24



Thank you for filling out this application requesting financial assistance with childcare. A ministry leader will be reaching out to you soon.